Monday, April 25, 2011

Artist Statement

My Individual Project is a painting created with layers of plexiglass. I’ve been interested in layering for a while, and I wanted to experiment with plexiglass because I thought that would help my layering be more important in my work. So far I’ve mostly done my layering with just paints, and it was exciting to do a painting where the layers are more prominent in the piece. To me, a human figure is perfect for this kind of project because with painting a figure, it’s naturally not 2D and not static. So I thought it would be interesting to see a figure have more depth to it in the painting.
            Through making this piece, it’s been interesting seeing what works and what doesn’t. Every person has layers to them, it takes time to break through those layers and really know someone completely.  

Etsuko Ichikawa

Etsuko Ichikawa's main work was all about drawing with fire on large scale paper. I enjoyed these drawings the most out of everything she showed us. The process of these drawings was impressive, and it's something that will defiantly grab people's attention. But the process of glass blowing and rubbing them onto paper to make burn marks to make abstract designs. She also worked in installation and video, and performance art. She does a lot of collaboration with other artist and researches with others to advance her art work. I understand why she would want to make a video to show her art practices, because it is so experimental, but I don't believe she went about it the right way. She collaborated with a dancer to make this performance, but it didn't come in an intriguing way. If I would change anything about the video, I would like to see it just be her and not a production with a dancer and trying to make it more dramatic than it actually is. I would also would have liked it to have different music to it. I think that it turned into a bigger production than necessary, it should have been more about the practice. But her work as a whole was impressive to me, I really loved the big drawings, but not just because of how she did them or the scale.

Independent Project Progress