Sunday, March 27, 2011

Artists Relating to my Independent Project

Lucian Freud- He does paintings of figures in a more abstracted looser brush stroke while maintaining a believable form.

Jeff Stevenson - Not in all of his work, but he created a figure using many different canvases .

Karin Jurick

Caitlin Parker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ray Johnson

To me, Ray Johnson is the perfect example of making art for the sake of making art. I feel as though he just wanted to create for himself. He would create these little collages and mail them to his friends, then asking them to send them on. I appreciate how he wasn't so concerned with selling all of his pieces, but more about just sharing art with his friends and friends of friends, just for the sake of art. My favorite pieces that they showed in the movie were the portraits of his friend. I really enjoyed how he came to his friend to make a portrait and then came back with an abundant of collages that some might not be considered a portrait.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Drawing of Sculpture

My Sculpture Half

Figure as Form Sculpture

6 Films and Six Prompts.

1- Maya Deren "Meshes of the Afternoon". Prompt - 6 word poem
     =Flower Picked Up, In the Shadows

2. Anri Sala "Time After Time". Prompt- Automatic Writing
    =I don't know what's going on yet. This scene seems awfully long for an opening. It's starting to fade out slowly. At first I had to see if it was the film or my brain trying to focus in. Now the horse is back to normal, and I'm wondering if this film is gonna go anywhere. And if we didn't have the automatic writing in this film I think I would be extremely bored. Is this a real horse? Why isn't he doing anything. Now I'm getting bored anyways. I hope he doesn't get hit. But he should walk. I hope this film doesn't end in him getting hit. He's finally starting to move. Thank God that's over.

3. Pipilotti Rist "I want to see how you see". Prompt- Automatic Drawing

4. Pierre Huyghe "Judi". Prompt- Limerick
    =There once was half a hill
       All I could feel was a shrill
       Without sound it would be a bore
       With sound it's not a roar
       If only this movie was a thrill

5. David Claerbout "Le Moment". Prompt- Image as a line then expand.
  = There is a spotlight on the ground. And eery music in the background. I wonder what we'll find. It;s on the ground slowly headed toward the woods.

6. Willam Kentridge "Automatic Writing". Prompt- illot mollo- free write 15 sec times 3
  = I wish I knew how these videos were done. Illustrating is the main thing on this page. Human Body, there are no windows in this room. Reflections on Jessica in the White Board.