Monday, January 31, 2011

First Work - Blue Violet Photos

Keith Negley

Keith Negley's inspiration mostly comes from the news articles he is asked to illustrate for. His style for his work includes dulled down colors, adding textures, simplified people and graphics, and making his illustrations look weathered. He also takes inspiration from other artists and incorporates it into his work.

I've never really noticed my own color palette before recently. But I seem to gravitate towards pastel colors in my paintings, I don't notice a similar pattern in my photographs yet, but I think because I'm still just starting photography. In my paintings and drawings even if I have a specific color scheme I tend to add a lot of different colors in there, even if hardly noticeable.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Artist's Color


Triad Color Scheme

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Art City

What do you see are the shared struggles and inspirations of the artists in Art City?

I didn't see too many inspirations or struggles shared with all of the artists featured in this film. But I did notice some with a few of the artists. Nature, architecture, investigation, portraits, people, using what they have to their advantage, and location where inspirations shared with at least 2 of the artists. I didn't find as many struggles shared, but I did come across the need to exclude paintings, getting across their message, and being a part of a community as some of the struggles.